E-Filing Now Available
E-Filing for the Juvenile Court is now available through the Nashville efile Portal.
Please send questions about efiling and efile account request to juvenileefilesupport@jisnashville.gov.

It is the mission of the Juvenile Court Clerk’s Office to provide those persons utilizing the services of the Juvenile Justice System with the highest level of efficient and courteous service, in a manner which is fiscally responsible, to all citizens of Metropolitan Nashville.
Services Provided
The Juvenile Court Clerk is a constitutional officer and is elected by the people for a term of four (4) years.
The duties and responsibilities include processing all legal documents filed in Juvenile Court, maintaining docket and minute books, acting as the keeper of the records, preparing hearing dockets, providing deputy clerks for all court hearings, maintaining financial records, collecting court costs, fines, child support, bonds and restitution, preparing Orders for the Juvenile Court, administering trust funds for minors (TCA 29-13-301 Part 3) and any other trust accounts as Ordered by the Court.